Chris Gardner

The joys of self-publishing.

Opening a Can of Worms–Daylight Saving


I know a lot of people love daylight saving and if you happen to live in a cool climate where you absolutely relish that extra hour of sunlight, then lucky you! Daylight saving absolutely makes sense for you. If, on the other hand, you live in a country where temperatures can get to the mid 40s (Celsius–100 plus Fahrenheit) and beyond in some areas, what on earth is the point? Why would anyone in their right mind choose to take an hour of the coolest part of the day, when they could be sleeping, and add it on to the hottest part of the day?

Now, to be honest, it doesn’t affect me a great deal these days; I’m lucky enough to have air-conditioning; I rarely have to get up  to an alarm clock and my kids are all grown and flown. The coop. But I remember what a nightmare it was getting little boys to bed when the sun was still shining in their bedroom windows. I don’t know if parents still do that or if they’ve given up and let the kids stay up until the sun goes down and then have to drag them out of bed in the morning for school.

Western Australia, Northern Territory and Queensland have all had the good sense to abandon daylight saving–I think they all tried it and it proved unpopular. I suspect the reason it succeeded in the south east states is more to do with our large city population than the fact that our climate is a bit milder than up north. City workers seem to like it because, I suppose, they have a chance to get home or even go to the beach before dark. Since more Victorian voters live in cities than the country I know it’s a lost cause but I still feel for those parents trying to get their kids to bed.

Daylight saving starts here tomorrow morning and I don’t even have to put the clocks forward any more–it’s automatic. I’d be interested to hear from other readers why they love or hate daylight saving, or wish they had it if they don’t.

It’s also footy finals today and ‘my’ team is playing. And winning. Sometimes I wish I cared, but it’s just a group of Aussie blokes playing another group of Aussie blokes and either way, we win, right? Now if we were playing New Zealand, or the UK, or USA, I might be more interested!

I’m getting on with Book 3 of my Red Dust rural romance series and will almost certainly have it finished by Christmas; I’m moving into a new office shortly which will make it easier, I hope. I’m currently working in the lounge-room and, with three empty bedrooms, I decided to bite the bullet and clean one out. I’ll be able to work with no interruptions and will get heaps done–at least that’s the theory! ‘Dark Innocence’ is FREE on the 4th and 5th of October–it’s quite a small book and will definitely keep you interested!

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Author: cmsgardnerblog

I'm a writer of fiction and non-fiction, for teens and adults. I live in Central Victoria, Australia and my books are available at Most are also with D2D as ebooks.

8 thoughts on “Opening a Can of Worms–Daylight Saving

  1. Here on the damp side of the planet we’ll soon be putting the clocks back and facing the prospect of it being dark by 4.30 in the afternoon! I’d never thought how difficult it must be having things the other way round!!

  2. See now, daylight saving would make sense there and then! Getting dark at 5.30 instead of 4.30 . . .

  3. We have daylight savings time here in Michigan – hate it! It takes me a week or more to adjust to the change. When they first started daylight savings, it supposedly was to help the farmers have more daylight during the summer to get work done. Doesn’t make sense. Cows and other farm animals don’t care what time it is. They are ready to eat and be milked regardless whether it 5a.m. or 6a.m. Then there was the argument for more time for golfers to play after work.

    The older I get, the quicker time flies by. It seems like we just “sprung ahead” and now we have to “fall back”.

    Thanks for letting us know about your book promo. Will look for it tomorrow.

  4. WE suffer from this in UK, too, although our dive into economy mode doesn’t kick off until later this month. Why? Well, it gives the power companies some extra income as all the lights go on earlier, it helps to trim the edges off the population figures because there is always a significant blip in road casualties, and the thieving community positively prospers.

    So, long live daylight saving, say I!

  5. I would be happier with permanent “daylight saving time.” Or even permanent standard time. Switching back and forth twice a year makes no sense at all. But I suspect it’s one of the evils of our time.

  6. I suppose we’d get used to that at least, but I do like that Sunday once a year when we revert to proper time!

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